All That Is Solid Melts into Air A Solo Exhibition by Shi Jinsong in Taipei

Shi Jinsong, 2018.10
Publisher: 安卓藝術.

ISBN: 978-986-94868-4-2

Dimensions: 22.1(H) x 16.8 (W) cm

Pages: 72

Shi Jinsong experiences the vicissitudes of time from an "individual identity", in which he constantly attempts to analyze, digest and rebuild the mode of production, power structure and knowledge field of the new era. Shi's unique creative thinking and methodology completes a form of individual's publicness. By means of "violent destruction" such as burning, hitting, tearing, grinding, and chemical reactions, Shi makes the appearance and illusion of objects disappear to reveal the inner truth. From the artist's perspective, this is the only way to face and dissect this era of great change and save oneself from becoming a part that melts into air.

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