Artist Statement - Lee YANG

LEE YANG, March 5, 2022

I never forgot those touching moments I experienced in painting.


I don’t know when it started, but painting nowadays is increasingly pigeonholed by the language of contemporary art critique. A painting that doesn’t tackle certain themes is considered illegitimate, or drawn by someone outside of contemporary art.


In this day and age, painters have to speak quietly about their individual experiences in a small corner in order to avoid criticism. After all, a personal experience is the only subject that people wouldn’t point their fingers to, right?


But, starting with me, I’d like to announce to the world that, as an outsider, I’m capable of making great paintings! Since I admitted to being an amateur, all the noise in my head dissipated and the world became so very lively! I can paint fighter jets if I want to. I can paint baseball games if I want to. I can paint whatever I want. During my daily work, I’m constantly working on things such as how to paint a baseball game, how realistic I should paint a fighter jet, in what style I should paint a samurai, etc.


Painting is fun. The more I learn about it, the more possibilities it shows. This makes me feel like an alien from “Planet Painting” who visits earth. Even the most mundane moments can turn into an interesting painting in my head. It’s not that I make exotic paintings, it’s more so that the paintings in my head make me a curious traveler, a conqueror traveling from painter nation to this world.


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